With 99 days to go until the end of 2020, the Go-Lean-Six Virtual Lean Peer Group was hosted by GAI-Tronics, Reading, PA. The GAI-Tronics team benchmarked how Lean tools and methods are helping them bridge the COVID-19 crises as they continue to deliver on safety, quality and cycle time to their customers.
GAI-Tronics produces industrial phone equipment for mass transportation, mining, and rugged call boxes. These products demand high quality for safety. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, they have completed Lean 101 training for employees, continue to drive 6S and leverage their Safety Gemba Walks to ensure the facility continues to work to its highest standards. They drive employee engagement and continuous improvement through Kaizen Events. One particular highlight was the use of SMED or quick change to introduce multiple products onto the same line. The GAI-Tronics team is very proud of their COVID-19 planning and response, building on their discipline of process and standards. Great job GAI-Tronics, Reading, PA. The Go-Lean-Six Lean Peer Group cannot wait to see your facility in person next year!
During the Lean Peer Group, Alice Conner Malyszek, Director, Lean Transformation presented training on The Kaizen Mindset. The group discussed lessons learned and principles to create the culture and mindset of continuous improvement in an organization.
If you are interested in attending the next Lean Peer Group, please contact info@Go-Lean-Six.com